Since Silverfit's founding in 2013 by now 80-year old Eddie Brocklesby, who is the UK’s oldest female Ironman triathlete, we have grown to sessions at 17 venues across 9 boroughs reaching a large number of people who weren't previously active. Each venue offers a choice of activities from Nordic Walking, Yoga, Walking Football, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Badminton, indoor cycling, gym/ fitness classes, indoor rowing and Bollywood dance, which means that everyone should be able to find an activity to enjoy, regardless of ability or experience.
"I discovered recently that Silverfit is doing me a world of good. I usually have to use a bath cushion to assist me when bathing, due to not being able to get out of the bath alone. One day I asked my carer to take the cushion out to see if I could turn over myself and use my knees to get up, I could! Because of the spin classes at Silverfit and my other physical activity, I can now get out of the bath independently. We have such a close knit group at The Castle and our spin instructor Viv is amazing."
By promoting happier, healthier ageing through affordable physical activity and at the same time combating social isolation we aim to improve older people's quality of life and also to save the NHS and social care providers money. Members tell us their increased fitness means they attend GP’s surgeries less, or are on reduced medication. Our remarkably high retention reflects that the social element is as highly valued, if not more so, than the physical activity. We make sure no-one is excluded because of cost, membership is £12 pa, with sessions prices from free to £3 depending on venue funding.
"I joined the Tuesday morning Burgess Park group with a certain amount of trepidation late September 2018 and I’ve not looked back. It’s been an absolute revelation and I never thought that Nordic Walking could be so beneficial and make such a difference and change my life so much. In 19 months I have lost 4 stone 9 lbs and the weight loss has been slow and steady and reasonably consistent. My fitness has increased dramatically as has my core strength and speed and my balance has improved too. I love the group and have found the acceptance and encouragement of the Silverfit team and instructors and other group members has been so very important and I am overwhelmed by their kindness and friendship."
Founder and CEO
Marketing & Graphic Design, Webmaster
Data Collection and Accounts
Data Analyst and Fundraiser
Project Manager
Director Chair
Treasurer and Director