
Silverfit in Southwark!

Join us for one of our four Silver sessions located in the fantastic borough of Southwark.

For Nordic Walking sessions:

If you need the instructor to bring poles, it is essential that you sign up to the sessions beforehand so instructors know how many sets of poles they will need, this will help avoid any disappointment.

Please turn up at least 20 minutes before the session so that everyone can catch up beforehand and enjoy a full session - especially those who need to be set up with poles. Nordic Walk instructors will not normally delay the session for latecomers.

If you have never attended a Silverfit session before, or your health has changed in any way in the last year, please fill in a PAR-Q - Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire - so that we are aware of any health and medical issues you may have before taking part in our sessions. You need to print this out and bring it along to the session to give to the instructor.

Burgess Park 

Activity: Nordic Walking

Venue: Burgess Park, Albany Road, London SE5 7QH

When: Tuesdays, meet at 10.30am for 11am start

Meeting point: Park Life Café

Instructor: Aileen

Suggested price: £3,  however this session is free to book on TicketTailor with an option to donate your session fee if you are able.


Canada Water

Activity: Fun, Fitness Classes (indoor)

Venue: Decathlon, 9 Maritime St, London SE16 7FU - upstairs studio

Instructor: Viv

When: Mondays

Meet at 1.15pm, class from 1.30pm-2.30pm

What does the class entail? A fun, fitness, circuit-style class which provides an all-body workout as you tackle a sequence of exercises designed to get you fitter and stronger.

  • Have fun - the variety of exercises and camaraderie makes the workout fun and keeps you motivated throughout the workout
  • For everybody - the class is structured so you work to your limits
  • Burn fat - awake your metabolism and burn the fat
  • Increase your core strength -  works your abs and all your core muscles

Price: £3 in advance when booking


Activity: Docklands Nordic Walking

Venue: Meet at Decathlon, 9 Maritime St, London SE16 7FU - New attendees please call Diane to discuss meeting place: 07957 236 663

Instructor: Diane

When: Mondays

Meet: 10am for 10.30 start

Price: £3 in advance when booking

Dulwich Park

Activity: Nordic Walking in Dulwich Park

When: Fridays

Time: 10.45am for 11am start

Instructor: Francesca

Meeting place: In front of the Dulwich Clocks Cafe

Price: £3 in advance when booking